Alshaya Group
Top 100 Arab Family Businesses in the Middle East

Rank: 17

Alshaya Group

Country: Kuwait

Sector: Retail
Establishment: 1890

Chairperson: Mohammed Abdul Aziz Alshaya

The Alshaya family began trading in 1890 but entered the franchise business with its first Mothercare in Kuwait in 1983. Today the group franchises 70 brands across MENA, Russia, Turkey, and Europe. It operates over 2,800 stores, restaurants, and cafes, employing over 44,000 people. The family also owns 34.1% of Mabanee, Kuwait’s largest listed real estate company, valued at $912 million as of April 2021. The group, along with the Starbucks Foundation, donated $100,000 each to relief efforts after the 2020 Beirut Port blast. In December 2020, it signed an agreement with Disney for exclusive rights to open a Disney store in the Middle East.