22. Contact Financial Holding

Description: Non-banking financial services
Headquarters: Egypt
Date of Establishment: 2001
Group CEO and Managing Director: Said Zater

Contact’s non-banking financial services include consumer and corporate financing and insurance services. It operates a network of 75 branches and 13 booths. Through its ContactNow app, customers can obtain instant approvals and credit limits using AI, manage their accounts and purchases, complete loan installment repayments, and settle utility and mobile bills. As of December 2023, the app had 600,000 registered users, with 296,000 of those registrations in 2023 alone. Since the app's launch, the number of instant credit requests submitted has reached 271,000 requests. The company plans to expand into the U.A.E. Its market cap reached $200 million as of March 4, 2024.