19. BSF
Country: Saudi Arabia
CEO: Bader Alsalloom
Market Value: $10.7 billion
In June 2024, Banque Saudi Fransi completed its transition to the BSF brand name. BSF provides corporate and commercial banking services to nearly 1.3 million customers across Saudi Arabia. As of December 2024, the bank employed 3,056 people through 81 branches, 393 ATMs, and 27,816 terminals. In January 2025, BSF issued an $750 million sukuk. In November 2024, it secured a $750 million five-year Asian syndicated loan from 26 investors. Kingdom Holding Company is BSF’s largest shareholder, with a 16.2% stake, as of February 19, 2025. In 2024, it had $78.1 billion in assets.