26. Banque Saudi Fransi (BSF)
Country: Saudi Arabia
Sector: Banks & Financial Services
CEO: Bader Alsalloom
Market Value: $12.4 billion
Sales: $2.8 billion
Profits: $953 million
Assets: $61.9 billion
BSF was known as the French Banque de l’Indochine et de Suez until 1977 when foreign banks in Saudi Arabia were nationalized. The bank has 82 branches and employs 3,105 people across Saudi Arabia. In November 2022, BSF issued $700 million in USD-denominated notes under the medium-term note program. The bank’s total assets reached $61.9 billion in 2022. Prince Alwaleed bin Talal’s Kingdom Holding Company is the bank’s largest shareholder, with a 16.2% stake.