27. Saad Toma

Company: IBM
Designation: General Manager—Middle East and Africa (MEA)
Sector: Technology
Nationality: British
Global headquarters: U.S.
Residence: U.A.E.

Toma was appointed to his current position in 2021. In 2022, IBM launched IBM Client Engineering across the U.A.E., Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, and South Africa. It also signed partnerships with government, businesses, and educational institutions, including Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, the Mohamed Bin Zayed University of AI, King Saud University, the U.A.E.’s Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, Egypt’s Ministry of Finance, and the First Abu Dhabi Bank, among others. Toma was previously general manager for IBM Asia Pacific’s Global Technology Services. He also served as Chief Operating Officer for GTS globally while based in the U.S.