1. Dana Alsulaiman
Age: 29
Occupation: Assistant Professor at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Nationality: Saudi
Residence: Saudi Arabia
Category: Science & Technology
During her postdoctoral fellowship at MIT, Alsulaiman published research articles on advanced biosensors and precision medicine, including developing a functional hydrogel-coated microneedle platform, which enables rapid and non-invasive sampling and detection of cancer-specific biomarkers from the skin’s interstitial fluid. She has published over 12 research articles and has one U.S. patent that she obtained with MIT during her PhD/postdoc research and two U.S. provisional patents filed since starting her own research group at KAUST two years ago. She also has two additional patents in preparation for filing. Alsulaiman is also a director of the BioMAD Lab and vice chair of KAUST's Institutional Biosafety and Bioethics Committee.